Pollinator Corridor

Details are coming on how you can participate.
Official launch date will be Earth Day April 22nd 2025.

A collaborative effort between FANS of Washington Park, People and Pollinator Action Network, Plant Oasis, Summer Home Garden, Washington Park East Neighborhood Association, and the West Washington Park Neighborhood Association is responding to this call by encouraging a pollinator corridor around Washington Park. This campaign seeks to support and expand the habitat havens of native and pollinator-sustaining plants in the park, by surrounding them with a network of neighborhood pollinator gardens.

If you have access to a small piece of land, such as your own yard, you can easily boost habitat for native plants, pollinators, and wildlife. The Washington Park Pollinator Corridor project launches on Earth Day (April 22nd) and will offer free information and resources on creating pollinator habitats, highlight new and existing gardens, tap into the energy of visionaries among us, and celebrate the cumulative impact of individuals to sustain biodiversity.