FANS of Washington Park is a non-profit, IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We provide free programming to the public throughout the year. We also donate to Washington Park in many forms. We regularly recruit volunteers to donate their time within the park. We also provide tangible assets for the park. These have included trees, shrubs, compost, playground equipment and a bicycle repair stand. We are currently working on a project to add additional bicycle parking within the park.
Your donations help make this all possible. Here are examples of how your dollars can help:
$4 = a 4-cell pack of flowers
$6 = a bag of eco compost
$40 = a bag of flower bulbs
$50 = a tree or a public address system for tours
$125 = speaker honorarium
$300 = one loop of a 4 loop bike parking stand
$1,200 = entire bicycle parking station
$1,400 = bicycle repair stand with bike pump
$1,500 = children’s play table
$3,000 = the annual compost needs of the Big Gardens
Every donation helps. No matter how small.